The best ways to optimise your character in an RPG: Tips for progression and customisation

Role-playing games (RPGs) offer players a unique opportunity to create and customise characters, progress and optimise them to face various challenges. Whether you’re a new player or a veteran looking to improve your skills, here’s a guide to optimising your character in an RPG, focusing on progression and customisation.

1. Understand the game system

Study the game mechanics

Every RPG has its own set of rules and mechanics. Before you start optimising your character, take the time to understand how the game system works. This includes the basic statistics, skills, classes, and their interactions.

  • Basic statistics: Strength, dexterity, intelligence, etc.
  • Skills and talents: Special abilities that can be improved or unlocked.
  • Classes and specialisations: The different paths you can take with your character, each with their own pros and cons.

2. Choosing the right class and specialisation

Alignment with your style of play

Select a class and specialisation that matches your style of play. If you prefer melee combat, opt for a warrior class. If you like spells and magic, a mage class might be more suitable.

  • Warrior: High strength and defense statistics.
  • Mage: Focus on magic and ranged attacks.
  • Rogue: High dexterity stats and the ability to sneak.

3. Optimising attributes and skills

Smart distribution of points

Allocating points into attributes and skills is crucial. Focus on the stats that will bolster your chosen class’s strengths.

  • Focus on key stats: For a mage, invest in intelligence and magic. For a warrior, focus on strength and stamina.
  • Balance: Don’t overlook secondary stats that can boost your survival or flexibility.

4. Equipment and Items

Choosing the right equipment

Equipment plays an essential role in optimizing your character. Look for weapons, armour, and accessories that complement your attributes and skills.

  • Weapons: Choose those that enhance your main stats.
  • Armour: Prioritise protection while keeping an eye on stat bonuses.
  • Accessories: Use them to address weaknesses or boost your strong points.

5. Quests and Progression

Completing Side Quests

Side quests often provide valuable rewards such as experience points, rare equipment, or special skills. Don’t neglect them.

  • Experience: Level up quickly.
  • Rewards: Obtain unique items and upgrades.

Managing Playtime

Optimise your playtime by planning your sessions. Focus on tasks that offer the best returns in terms of character progression.

6. Advanced Customisation

Skill Synergies

Look for synergies between your skills and equipment to maximise your effectiveness in combat.

  • Skill Combinations: For example, use slowing spells combined with powerful attacks.
  • Equipment Upgrades: Utilise enchantments and improvements to bolster your weapons and armour.

Follow Guides and Forums

Engage in forums and review online guides for tips and strategies specific to your game. Learning from other players can offer you new perspectives and advanced techniques.

7. Adapt Your Strategy

Continuous Re-evaluation

Regularly re-evaluate and adjust your strategy based on the evolution of the game and new challenges.

  • Flexibility: Be ready to change equipment or redistribute points as necessary.
  • Adaptation: React to the strengths and weaknesses of your enemies.


Optimising your character in an RPG requires time, thought, and a deep understanding of the game. By following these tips and continuously adjusting your approach, you can maximise your character’s effectiveness and power. Whether you’re questing for domination on the battlefield or looking to explore every nook of a fantasy world, these strategies will help you achieve your goals and fully enjoy your RPG adventure.